Rollercoaster ride...

And so we get to the end..
The end of a rollercoaster year - filled with highs and lows that sometimes felt like I was sitting in the front seat of the ride with no safety harness on. My stomach on occasion lurching itself into my throat.. followed just as quickly by a upward lift which gave me a whole new perspective on the view below..

At the start of last year, I'd gotten onto this particular ride not knowing what to expect.. Having survived the "house of horrors" that was the year before, I was more than ready to simply try out the "floating teacup" or the more sedate "love boat" ride... but then I guess: No plain sailing was ever going to be a part of my fairground experience!

I've decided to buy another ticket this year - but with some added few exceptions... To take on a few scrary rides, and allow myself to admit when things get a little hairy... To make time for the slower rides and simply enjoy the moment... And finally I'm going to allow myself to follow my heart and trust my instincts. The words of Paulo Coello seem an apt opening to this year and I think he deserves a mention...

Follow your heart my friend, for where your heart is, there you will find your treasure.


  1. Fab blog Zanne - keep them coming please!

  2. I think you have missed your calling as a writer! Fingers crossed that 2012 is your year to find mr right :)


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