Turning the kaleidescope

On a whim I walked into the toy shop. Don't ask me why.

I moved along the isles, passed the cuddly toys and Peppa Pig display, right to the back... where they kept the more retro toys. After lookng at all the options on display, I reached down and picked up a kaleidescope. A simplistic looking tube with a few sparkly green gems around the front end of the barrel. I hadn't seen one of these for years, but somehow I just had to take a look...

Putting the glass end to my eye and turning the barrel, the chaos of colour changed into a sparkly ordered pattern which twinkled with bright rubies, aquas and emeralds. I noticed that every time I adjusted the view, what started out looking like a disordered scattering of jewels, turned into an organised pattern if I just looked long enough, and when the design of the beads weren't quite to my liking, I simply had to change my view.

And I guess that's when I reaslised that the way you view things all depends on what you want to see... Sometimes I see the chaos of another rushed day, rather than the blessing of having a job that I love.. I often wake up and wish for more time to sleep, rather than being grateful for the energy to get up. And more recentrly, I've been moaning about the amount of studyng I have to get through, rather than thinking about the privilege of being able to deliver on a promise.

Actually: I learned quite a lot from walking into that toy shop, and I guess if you had to ask me now why I did it, I'd have to say: "it's about relooking the way the jewels display and seeing the beauty in all the chaos.

Happy viewing everyone - I guess small things REALLY DO amuse small minds...! xx


  1. Love the article - so true. Life is what we make of it.


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