Using the 4 letter word...

The human brain is a strange piece of trickery...

Apparently the size of two fists held together palm to palm, my brain has allowed me to rememeber the Spanish word for "peanut butter" but (on one embarrassing occassion), forget the name of my best friend .. it's helped me avoid eating all the wasabi, but somehow can't help me distinguish between reality and the hope of one.

This strange piece of trickery is I believe, what has kept the human race alive for this long. Besides its safety functions in protecting me from social disgrace,  it is responsible for the effects of the four letter word. The word which can be a source of comfort to some and elation to others... A relief to those who have it and a source of dispair to those who've lost it. The little word we don't easily put our faith in, but most certainly want to believe in... HOPE! Either your brain believes in it, or it doesn't. The thing is.. my brain has been tricking me for some time now, and I needed to figure out how to trick it back..

Recently I've faced a few challenges and had to dig really deep to find this particular four letter friend. While I was down, I thought about the futility of the word.. about how it may make you carry on, when the reality is staring you in the face. What is the point of hope, when the situation is hopeless?

The thing with Hope is that in order to keep it alive and growing, you have to cultivate it alongside Positivity. Prune out all the thorns of Doubt and Thank all the people who help water it with Confidence. Like a little Karoo bush (Penzia incana) found in the hot, semi desert Karoo sun, waiting patiently for the thunderstorms in the late afternoon, it knows that eventually the heat will be lifted and be replaced by a feeling of relief when the rains come. Like Hope, the little plant will somehow be made stronger for having struggled through the drought, and its survival will bring courage to others.

When I recently questioned my belief in Hope, and lost my faith in it's use, I somehow felt uprooted.. as if I didn't have anything to ground me and give me the strength to see through this drought. 

I'm so grateful that we have more than one 4 letter word to keep us going - some good, some not so good, but all of them healing in their own way when used at the right moment. 



  1. Brilliant is not a four letter word, but it should be, then I could use it here !


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