Being British...

Britain seems to have had it's last official SUN-day last week.. and how lucky that I chose that day to invite my new neighbours around for PIMM'S in the Garden! 
I embraced the customs and even served it with High Tea...

There's something about friends meeting to share a meal or a glass of wine or lemonade, being in the sun and smelling the plants that just makes the world seem right...
I'd never mixed a jug of Pimm's in my life before, but with input from the sidelines (.."more Pimm's.. more Pimm's!! ") the team effort soon had the desired effect!

Might I add: mom's chocolate cake recipe (and melktert) went down really well  - I think: if I haven't won them over with my Bartendering skills at least my baking did it! : )

More great British summer weather please... it's food for the soul!
